Tomorrow is formatting day

I found some last-minute edits to make today. Fixing typos and all that. I have to have it looking its best, so the world can enjoy it. I guess that makes it draft 7.5?

Not a lot else to report. I’m still feeling excited about it, and maybe even more confident in my abilities. I created a Facebook Fan page, because apparently I have to.

I read my sample on my latest YouTube video. Check it out! I spend about the first minute playing with a tricorder I got when I was 10. Be amused.

Pre-formatting Jitters

You heard it here first. Your unstoppable hero (that’s me, in case you’re wondering) is very excited about her first ebook. Go Team Thea!

But very not excited about formatting and formats. The descriptions sound painful. And I still have to do another pass to make sure there are no more surprise typos-that-are-words-too.

Fortunately, I’m handy with a word processor, and if worst comes to worst, I have Calibre installed on my Ubuntu machine. Linux provides answers to everything.

Tomorrow I catch up on work, and I take a deep breath and format Zombie Bedtime Stories: Locked In into a thing of beauty. An ebook for the ages. Well, that might be getting ahead of myself.

Thanks for your support everyone, I greatly appreciate it!

Zombie Bedtime Stories: Locked In Cover Art and Sneak Peek.

Edit 07/25/2011: Here are links to the store pages for Locked In:


Original Post:

You heard it here. I think it’s done. I’m going to do the “read it out loud” test tomorrow evening.

So, here is the story cover my boyfriend created for me. The arms are mine, and I made the fake (bright pink) blood. The rest of the effort is all his. I know I’ve posted it before, but it’s changed and improved.

Locked In Cover

Book Cover

I did promise a sneak peak, didn’t I?

            Haley threw up her arms as he made a lunge for her face. His unimaginable strength pitched them both to the ground. The blow winded her. Her eyes widened in alarm as she squirmed under his wizened form to keep his decaying teeth away from her flesh. His fetid breath was tinged with the scent of blood, the overwhelming stench burning into her lungs. Haley thought she was going to vomit. The three officers and Frank shouted as they struggled to gain control of the crazed man. Deafened by Buddy’s shrieks, the terror of the cacophony threatened to paralyze her. A Taser was drawn, but its discharge barely seemed to jolt Buddy, prompting a renewed flurry of attacks. Haley felt a discernible electric tingle pass through her own body, so she knew the device had worked, but on the wrong person. With this realization her thoughts became frantic and incoherent. As she felt her arms weaken from the exertion, she couldn’t help wondering if Buddy was drugged.

That’s all for now. Sleep tight. If you want a more animated version of today’s events, featuring overuse of the word “crap”  and a Fedora, then check out today’s vlog.

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Project Overload

That would make a good name for a book.

Between job, writing, editing, blogging, vlogging, keeping up with twitter and yet more job life is becoming hectic. I try to do job stuff in the morning, and writing in the afternoon. It keeps a routine.

But as of now, I think I need to shop around for project management software. All of my projects are becoming just too much to mentally keep track of. I have a Google Apps account, maybe it’s time to go shopping.

This week’s goals: Finish next edit of Locked In, and get Locked Out to 75%+ complete. I’m taking it easy. Friday is Canada Day, and it’s hard to get stuff accomplished on holidays when the boyfriend is home and wants to have fun. Plus, it’s Canada Day. I want to have fun!

I have muted hopes that this version of Locked In will be the last.

Renewed vigor and ideas

I went on a mini-vacation to Ottawa today. It was the annual rib fest, and there was no way I could resist delicious ribs. My boyfriend and I met up with my cousin, and a friend of mine made the surprise journey from Montreal to Ottawa, under the lure of delicious ribs.

After a total change of scenery, I was happy to discover that I still know my way through downtown Ottawa very well. I even still make a passable tour guide. I was distressed to find out that the Cat Man of Parliament Hill had died. Fortunately, the cats are still there, very friendly and well taken care of.

Next week I have a review to write about the opening installment of the Fireworks festival here in Montreal. Also, the magazine I’m reviewing for is going to print! I’ll be a published reviewer, which I’m very excited about.

I got a few nice critiques for Locked In, and the revised cover is coming along nicely.

This July, everything changes.


I Am A Sprinting Writer With No Stamina

I can crank out sweet word counts for the first hour, but then I need to fall back and recharge. I wrote 1100 words in just over an hour, but then it was like my mind melted. My total count per burst is getting higher, but I just have no stamina whatsoever! It’s the new writer’s block.

Yesterday, I made a YouTube video to talk about Zombie Bedtime Stories. Check it out.

Tomorrow I’m going to RibFest in Ottawa, and I get to see my cousin that I never get to see! I’m so stoked. Stay tuned for another cover art sneak peek – Locked In is getting a face (font) lift.

The Blog Improvement Project

With release of my first story hopefully about one month away, I decided to clean up a little, make this joint just a little nicer. There may just be one or two more drafts before I stick a fork in it. Additionally, the rough draft of part 2 is approximately one third done.

I noticed the About page is getting some hits and badly needed some love. As well, I realized that I had no dedicated place for my magnum opus, Zombie Bedtime Stories. I fixed that, and tried to express my vision for the project, and why it’s unique and deserves your attention.

Contact me is basically shameless self-promotion, and an email address. In case anybody wants to email me. I like emails.

Otherwise, my cover for Locked In is getting an overhaul. I realized that the text is unreadable in the thumbnail. Anonymously-obsessed-boyfriend (Now on Twitter!) is on the case.

Vlog-wise, I’m hoping to get my cooking videos up. I made one about how to cook chili that needs a good amount of editing, and today I made matzoh balls, which also require edits and cuts. The latter half happens to be hilarious, but I need to learn to look at the camera, not the cameraman. It makes me look psycho. I might step up the standard vlog a little, too. Make it edgier.

Going on Camera about writing

One way of getting exposure for yourself that I don’t see happening a lot is Youtube. I was browsing through it earlier today, looking for writing vlogs to friend/subscribe to, and while there are many book reviews, I don’t see a lot of actual writing talk. There’s a few noteworthy bits and pieces, but unless my search-fu is off, there’s not as much as you would think.

I’ve been trying to fill the gap, not only because one has been perceived to exist (which can’t do at all!) and because I want to do it.

So far, hits are as can be expected. I started less than a week ago, and I only fixed my tags earlier today. This will be an interesting experiment.

I always wanted my own show. I’m thinking of doing book reviews, and maybe I’ll do some at the Ottawa Rib Fest I’m going to this weekend. Maybe some geek things, too.

Food and writing are good for the soul.

I was thinking about character names today

I see lots of threads about naming characters. They all recommend baby naming sites. I hate these sites. I vlogged about this.

It’s a cross between an irrational hatred of all the absolutely terrible names that are popular, and them having no random-name function. I want the awesomeness at my fingertips! The power!

Instead, I use the following approach for female characters:

  1. Think of a name you like and would consider naming your own child. Preferably one that is easy to spell, because I will typo it.
  2. If it can be easily be made fun of, or turned into a stripper/porn name, then keep it. If not, save it for the “baby” pile. (If you plan on staying child-free or have all the kids you want, skip that. I do this so my hypothetical future children don’t ask why I wrote them being eaten alive by zombies. Awkward.)
  3. Choose the more normal/mainstream spelling of name possible.

I’m not usually one to make up names. They come out like Agamemnonicusatrix. That is a bad name. Again, spell-ability, memorability and coherence are important.

For fantasy, I like to go through Ancient Greek and Roman names. They were popular once, so we know they’re pronounceable. Some tweaks and changes can be made to give a consistent and unique feel.

For men’s names, I go with the same formula. I find there’s not so much of a porn/stripper stigma, which makes selection and screening easier. Nice and simple names. Easy to read, easy to spell and easy on the memory.

Setting Goals and Challenges

Having realistic goals is important. So is challenging yourself by pushing your limits. I decided that since I’ve never exceeded 900 words in a day, that I would do 1000 words per day this week. This is in addition to blogging and vlogging, and normal work obligations.

Here’s what I’ve learned about goals and challenges:

  • If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. (Ripped from my high school agenda) This is so true. Not setting hard word counts for myself has done me no favors in terms of productivity. The same goes with any other measurable goal.
  • Set measurable goals. You can’t plan for abstracts, which winds you back to point #1.
  • Know your limits. Set some solid goals and figure out your own strengths and weaknesses. Then try again. It’s all perseverance and insight.
  • Aspirations are not goals. Go back to the drawing board and create a plan of attack, preferably in goal-oriented form.
  • Work hard, then work even harder. Everything is a function of the time and energy you put into it.
  • Learn some project management principles, and apply them to your goals. Even a simple task keeper/to-do list on your cellphone helps.

Some words of wisdom.

Now, go watch my vlog. I talk about writing, editing, my cats and cooking chili. You’ll love my chili.