About Thea

Thea writes zombie stories and science fiction. She was raised in rural Quebec, where her imagination was often her only friend, and this upbringing also engendered a fanatical love of reading and books.

Thea moved to the city at the tender age of 17 to study science, eventually majoring in physics, because physics is awesome. Her first love has always been science (fiction), and she maintains an unquenchable thirst for discovery and the unknown.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, cooking, gardening, yoga, cycling, gaming, anything Star Trek or Dune related, daydreaming, exploring, and trying new things.

Thea has two cats (Pip and Bonk), and one boyfriend (with two cats of his own), a former video game designer who moonlights as a cover artist.


2 comments on “About Thea

  1. Fish says:

    OMG. I just read this, and we are freakishly similar.*nerdgasm*

  2. […] Weir called The Martian. It’s Robinson Crusoe on Mars. You can get it on Amazon for a buck. Thea Gregory gave me a copy. Thanks, […]

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