Planning some fun things

Not much to write about writing-wise. Locked In draft 5.3 is making the rounds, and day-job style work is interfering with my other creative ambitions. Eating is a good cause, though. And absence does make the heart grow fonder.

I’m planning some fun entries for both here and our dear Zombie Empress. I need to plan out some sweet images for anonymously-obsessed-boyfriend to crunch for me. He’s good like that. He’s also creating cover art for Locked Out, a story that’s not even near complete yet. I think he’s really into the whole storyline.

I can get into that a little. Locked In and Locked Out are part of a series of short stories that deal with a zombie apocalypse from non-traditional views. Locked In is from the vantage point of the zombie, and Locked Out concern itself with the story of the scientists who are trying to figure out what’s going on. A third story is planned for the military and evacuation perspective. I’m not sure if I’ll do one about survivors, the angle is so overplayed I’m not sure how to make it fresh without just churning out crap filled with chainsaw-wielding Mary Sues. False dichotomy, I know.

I’m an anarchist.

It’s been obvious for a while. I’m probably some kind of anarchist flower child. I gave up on conventional work about a year ago, and becoming self-employed has been the best thing I’ve ever done. Self-employment has its ups and downs, I won’t deny that, but it’s so rewarding and enjoyable. I have autonomy, creativity and a complete lack of authority and bureaucratic bullshit.

Without self-employment, I wouldn’t have the will or the time to write, create or do much other than exist. I like living, and material goods are largely pointless distractions after a certain point. Give me a bike, something that connects to the Internet and can work some necessary software, some good books and a robust red pen. And a good kitchen. Can’t forget that. I must start taking photos and writing down my recipes for that cooking/gardening blog I dream about starting.

I went to Montreal’s Anarchist Bookfair this weekend on the advice of a former roommate. It seems now we have much more in common than we did when we were roommates. I find it funny how that turned out. She’s off on a farm somewhere for the summer so I couldn’t visit her zine. It’s kind of a pity, I want to pick up a copy of her book and get her to sign it.

The Bookfair was just a quick walk from the Atwater Market, so anonymous boyfriend and I walked over to enjoy the sights and shops. It was his first time there. I love the fromagerie with the epic beer selection. That and the place with the wall of hot sauces are some of my all-time favorite shops. We grabbed some Blair’s Mega hot sauce. This will be exciting!

I need to get back to Earth after a whirlwind weekend. My Neovella needs all the crazy love I can pump into it. Maybe I should give up zombie fiction and other “serious” genres and just do the utterly absurd. I doubt the Zombie Empress would approve, and I need to keep giving her reasons not to eat me. That reminds me, must finish edits and pump out another draft, lest I lose my self-imposed short story challenge.

Business writing makes a good diversion

It’s kind of funny. The more I write reviews and fiction, the easier business communication becomes. I was able to spew out a fairly awesome cover letter for anonymously-obsessed-boyfriend today. He insists I could get paid for this stuff.

My theory on cover letters and business writing is that it should be engaging and fascinating. They exist to start a dialogue between yourself and your audience, much like reviewing or fiction. Why condemn your writing  to being rote and trite, even if it’s “just” for business? Professionalism does not negate creativity.

Feeling a little case of writer’s block coming on. A lot of it is my own self-doubt and uncertainty. Someday I’ll learn to cork that genie until editing time, when I need him.

In other news, I liked the Zombie Empress joke/identity so much that I’ve decided she needs her own blog, where she can post in-character ramblings. I have a few other ideas in store for her, as well. Check out The Rise of the Zombie Empress

Now, I have a review to write. It never ends.

Across the Zombieverse, I crown myself Zombie Empress

Zombieverse, I just said it. I’ve decided to be the Zombie Empress. Nobody else was using the title, so I snatched it up. I’m pretty sure that if I have a predecessor, she’s a zombie and coming out of hiding will prove detrimental to her health. From their very nature, zombies can’t hide, thus she can’t exist.

All hail Thea, Zombie Empress!

Had a refreshing zombie-themed chat with some friends on Facebook. It was then that I realized my true calling in life – to be the Zombie Empress!

What are my qualifications? Lend me your ears, and your brains and soon you will understand.

I feel inspired.