It’s time to enjoy the #HolidayHop. No limericks this time!

The second blog hop I’m participating in is underway! I hope you’re as excited as I am!

In addition to my own offerings, there will be a draw taken from the pool of winners across all contests for a nice Kindle Fire, thanks to the wonderful Cheryl Bradshaw! For more chances to win, do visit the other participating sites on the Holiday Hop.

Now, for my own homegrown contest:

The dates!

December 15th Midnight PSTDecember 25th  Midnight PST (Yeah, my birthday! Shouldn’t you be giving me prizes?)

The prize: Smashwords coupons for the first three Zombie Bedtime Stories! Locked In, Locked out and Deadlocked (it will release during the Holiday Hop, how exciting!)

Please note: The 12 Days of Creepfest, and its mini-prizes are running concurrently to the Holiday Hop. Its prize winners are not eligible for the Kindle Fire draw–only this main Holiday Hop contest’s entries are. However, there are many ebooks to be won all-around, so please enter!

My Rules:

  1. Like me on Facebook, or follow me on Twitter (Preferably both, but I’m not picky!) If both of these are against your Internet religion, subscribe to my blog instead.
  2. I will contact winners by email to distribute prizes, so make sure the email address you use to comment with is valid, and that you check it!
  3. In the comments, tell me about your first zombie movie experience. Which movie was it? How long were you freaked out for afterwards? Did you want to see it again, or find more, or did you run screaming from the screen?

Of course, I won’t expect of you what I won’t do myself. So, here is the story of my first zombie movie:

I was 18 years old, and, having led a very sheltered existence, 28 Days Later was my first “zombie-esque” movie back in 2002. I realize that it is debatable whether or not they are true zombies, but it was still my inauguration to the genre as a whole. Being sheltered, it freaked me out–I had never seen anything that gory or brutal before, unless you count watching Event Horizon when I was 16 (which still gives me nightmares.)

Of course, I decided to watch my first zombie movie ever on a day where I’d have to go to work directly afterwords. At the time, I was working at McDonald’s to pay my way through school, and I was trapped in the kitchen. It was a very busy McDonald’s, with huge crowds at all hours of the day. I spent my shift quaking in fear that if the infected came, I had nowhere to run and hide. I passed a very sleepless night, and looked over my shoulder constantly for days afterwards.

The next zombie movie I saw in theaters was Dawn of the Dead (2004). It was terrible and once I got around to watching the 1978 version, I wondered why they messed with perfection.

Now, it’s your turn!


25 comments on “It’s time to enjoy the #HolidayHop. No limericks this time!

  1. I think my first zombie movie experience was when my mom rented the VHS of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, which came with the music video and a ‘making of’ segment. I was so terrified of that video, but we continued to rent it over and over again. 🙂

  2. We’re going back a ways but the first that I remember was a bad VHS copy of Lucio Fulci’s “Zombie” in the mid 1980’s.

    Only one part of the movie freaked me out, the same part that tends to freak most people out, the long slow eye impalement scene. To this day I can’t watch something like that would wincing (and usually turning away). The rest of the movie was pretty bad. However, it was over the top gory enough that when I finally watched “Night of the Living Dead” a short time later, I was like “Feh. That was a letdown.”

    Gotta love Italian horror cinema.

  3. books4me says:

    Probably Thriller by Michael Jackson!

    Twitter: books4me2
    FB: Wendy Dee

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  4. Hi, Thea. What, no limericks? 😉 When I saw that headline today I immediately cracked up. I didn’t want to do it, but you pulled it out of me, didn’t you?
    I was going to leave without leaving a comment, thinking that I really haven’t seen any zombie movies. Bad, Jimmy, I know! *slaps hand* However, I recall that I actually did see some silly early 70’s film that might count. It was called “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”. OMG! It was the worst. It was one of my first boy/girl parties while in school and it was one of two bad films that the group had picked. Terrible! See, nearly 30 years later I stilll haven’t forgotten.

    Take care, my friend.


  5. I don’t remember the name, I was young! But it scared the crapola out of me! Weeks and weeks it stayed with me~ Young ppl should not watch zombie movies! I’m a chicken when it comes to this sorta thing!

  6. zanza says:

    My first zombie movie was zombieland an i thought it was zoo totally awesome i watched a second time. the movie after that was resident evil!!

  7. izaboe says:

    I do not have a zombie movie experience and here is why. I hate clowns with a passion. They ALWAYS want to touch you. I’ve hated them since I was little in fact when I was little I was outright terrified of them. I have an older cousin who is more like an older brother and one year (I was about 7 and he was 11) he decided to dress up as a zombie clown. Now you’d think an 11 year old couldn’t do that scary right? Well his mom is a makeup artist so you would be dead WRONG. He had little fake maggots and oozing sores and tattered bloody old clothing and a wig with blood and maggots and bits of stuff in it. He looked rotted aside from his eyes because they didn’t really have cool contacts readily available then.

    So here I am dressed up as Rogue from the x-men and I got up to my aunt and uncle’s house and ring the doorbell and who comes to the door and tries to hug me? My cousin. I screamed so loud one of their neighbors called the cops and then I was in tears for a good half hour. So I’ve been jaded for zombies. I did get rather a crap ton of candy for that though and none of those nasty toffy things that were always in orange and black paper. So yeah no zombies for me.

  8. Kyle says:

    My first Zombie movie was “Night of the Living Dead”. I got into horror from a cousin that thought a 12 year old should be allowed to watch 5 horror movies in a row (the result was no sleep for 3 days – Since THEY would get me). That hooked me, and Night of the Living Dead was watched later on.

    I loved it, despite the “meat” of people making me think of chicken (maybe that’s why I didn’t like chicken for years, that or my mother was a bad cook), and the blood was like pink syrup. Low budget films have since been a guilty enjoyment of mine. 🙂

  9. […] grand prizes for both my Creepfest and Holiday Hop contests include a copy of Deadlocked, so get entering! Share the […]

  10. Julie Jansen says:

    My first zombie movie I watched in high school. Often on weekends we’d rent a few horror movies and a few girls would spend the night and we’d stay up late watching those and also music videos (Night Tracks) on the USA Network (or Saturday Nightmares on that same channel). For me, the Italian film Demons is my first zombie movie. Technically I think the people changing into monsters are supposed to be demon monsters, but to me they just really have a zombie feel…infection spreads and you turn into one. And it all happens inside a movie theater. 🙂

  11. Best of luck with your contest!!! 🙂

  12. For some Scavenger hunt fun, follow me to my Holiday Hop!
    Come on! Let’s have some hoppin’ good fun!

  13. Kathryn says:

    My first Zombie movie was Resident Evil, and I LOVED it. I know it’s not a typical zombie fest, but it was action packed and I returned to watch all the movies, except for the cartoon one.

  14. I liked you on FB :).

    I think the first zombie movie I watched was Resident Evil. Being more an action movie it wasn’t that scary. My fav is Shaun of the Dead.

  15. Jesus people, you’re all so young! I feel like a relique here. This wasn’t the first zombie movie I saw but it was the one that traumatized me so deep, I still fear a zombi-pocalips to this day. The movie was called The Night of the Creeps, 1986 was the year, and I was 10 years old. The movie was a piece of crap but I guess at 10 you’re not that tough a critic.
    I was widely known as the coward of the family, so one of my uncles bet me I wouldn’t finish watching it. I held my ground and, though terrified, I watched the whole thing. Then I spent a month completely convinced that zombies dwelled on the hallway that connected my room to my parent’s, crying every night quietly without moving for fear of them discovering me.
    Later on I watched The Night of the Living Dead and to this day, I won’t go into a cemetery on my own. =)

  16. It was Night of the Living Dead and I was not scared.
    We watched everything from Dracula to Jaws in my family,
    and I wanted to be scared, but could never quite figure why
    people were so scared of lumbering zombies.
    The running zombies in Zombieland are a bit freakier to me–

  17. Susan Ricci says:

    Oh, yuck, I saw Night of the Living Dead, too, at the drive in, eons ago, and have avoided it ever since. I also saw The Excorcist after I read the book, and THAT creeped me out, I don’t watch it when it’s on Halloween, it used to give me nightmares, or daymares, when I was alone. I rather liked It by Stephen King, because the end cracked me up. But Happy Holidays! Christmas has much more enjoyable movies!

  18. Ty Hutchinson says:

    I can’t remember my first zombie movie but my first zombie video game was Resident Evil on the Playstation. Scared the shit out of me while playing it.

  19. Never watched one. I’m a chiccccckkkkeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnn!

  20. Linda Henderson says:

    I think the only zombie movie I’ve watched is Weekend At Bernies, didn’t they make him a zombie? I’m too chicken to watch the others. Although I have watched my daughter play Resident Evil before, I think it’s creepy.

    Facebook like as Linda Henderson
    Twitter follow as @BookOwner

    seriousreader at live dot com

  21. The first Zombie movie I watched was The Return of the Living Dead and I was hooked. It didn’t creep me out or scare me though. That was years and years ago and I have been a fan of zombies since then and watch and read everything possible. But I did scare the crap out of myself a few years ago. I work as a security guard and the plant was shutdown for the Christmas break but we still had to do rounds through the empty factory. Much to the groans of my coworker I forced him to watch for 12 hours a day for 3 days straight. by the 3rd day, I was jumping at ever shadow in the factory swearing I saw zombies out of the corner of my eye. Yeah those were the fastest patrols I have ever done
    teressaoliver at gmail dot com

  22. Shadow says:

    Hmm..i grew up on scary movies but i cant remember which zombie movie i started with. I do know, that most scary movies scaried the crap out of me and id have nightmares for weeks. Though, whenever i watched a scary movie, i made my sister watch it too and shes a scary cat! Id have fun scarying her for days. lol I was a horrible child. lol I love scary movies. To me, there addicting. ;P
    fb- shadow kohler
    twitter- LuvToRead09

  23. nerdygnome says:

    Congratulations Theresa! You’ve won my holiday hop contests. There were many great stories, but patrolling something empty and creepy after 12 hours of zombie movies is just a whole other level of dedication!

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